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UNESCO Social Media 4 Peace

Together with the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP), we participated in the development of the Social Media 4 Peace project in Colombia, a UNESCO initiative aimed at strengthening the resilience of societies in the face of potentially harmful content disseminated online, particularly that which incites violent events, while protecting freedom of expression and promoting peace through digital technologies.

As part of this program, which has been implemented in countries such as Kenya, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Indonesia, we developed monitoring of potentially harmful online content targeting vulnerable populations in Colombia, including migrants, Afro-descendant groups, indigenous communities, women victims of gender-based violence, and former combatants who signed the peace agreement.

This exercise, conducted in light of the community standards of the main social networks, made it possible to characterize potentially harmful online content and identify some forms of harassment, hate speech or incitement to violence that are not covered by the platforms' policies and to which these populations are exposed.

In particular, the monitoring made it possible to observe the gaps in community norms regarding protection against revictimizing publications, discrimination based on social class and negative comments on the appearance of public figures, which may converge with racial or gender discrimination.